It is among the most effective ways to strengthen our immune system.
Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog - Phyllomedusa Bicolor
Traditional Amazonian medicine known as kambo comes from the Phyllomedusa bicolor tree frog.
Many cultures in the Amazon rainforest have utilised kambo, and they revere it for its potent purgative properties. In these traditional civilizations, tree frogs are captured in the forest. Their kambo secretions are gently scraped from their skin and then the frogs are released back into the jungle unharmed.
Now that the rest of the world is learning about the potent kambo cleanse procedure, you can take advantage of Kambo's abilities outside of the dense Amazon jungle. All you need to do is locate the ideal practitioner to help you with your kambo cleanse.
Kambo is not a drug or psychoactive and legal to use around the world, except in parts of Australia where there is a ban on the administration of Kambo but not the secretion itself.
Benefits of Kambo
According to research, the Phyllomedusa bicolor secretion contains a variety of peptides that are good for the body.
Some of these peptides cross the blood-brain barrier and activate the brain's endocrine glands, which has an immune-boosting impact and causes the body to be thoroughly cleansed.
In addition to boosting the immune system and having antibacterial capabilities, Kambo physically annihilates harmful microorganisms.
Traditional knowledge indicates that kambo has anti-inflammatory properties, eases pain, heals eyesight, and relieves joint pain.
People who frequently use Kambo have a great deal of energy and hardly ever get sick. People frequently experience profound energetic transformations in their lives after practising Kambo, including notable improvements in their physical health, a decline in despair and addiction, and relief from severe illnesses and chronic pain.
According to reports, Kambo peptides have a wide range of potential health benefits.
They may aid in treating depression, migraines, blood circulation issues, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, cancer, issues with women's fertility, AIDS, and other conditions. Traditional knowledge indicates that kambo has anti-inflammatory properties, eases pain, heals eyesight, and relieves joint pain. According to reports, Kambo peptides have a wide range of potential health benefits.
Kambo enters the lymphatic system and activates the body's inherent capacity for self-healing.
Receiving Kambo can increase one's resilience to fatigue, hunger, and thirst as well as one's alertness and ability to concentrate and still the mind. Days or weeks may pass before these effects fade. Long-term use of Kambo will boost immunity, aid in overcoming fatigue, and improve general wellbeing.
Science of kambo
Nobel prize nominee Vittorio Erspamer, a chemist and pharmacologist from the University of Rome, wrote extensively about the science behind kambo.
More than 60 chemical compounds, including the well-known serotonin molecule, were found and researched by him. The kambo contains "a remarkable chemical mix with potential medical uses, unrivalled by any other amphibian," according to a statement he made in the past. His research demonstrated that kambo could attach to receptor locations in the human brain, producing advantageous effects.Some of these peptides resemble our hormones in some ways. Others support important biological functions in the body. These peptides are being isolated by researchers in order to further their research. Kambo has the ability to pass through the blood-brain barrier, unlike many other medications. This characteristic enables it to treat ailments that would be extremely challenging to treat.
There aren't any peer-reviewed research available right now, though. The peptides in kambo may be able to treat your medical ailments, but there is no scientific proof for this despite the abundance of anecdotal evidence. Therefore, until we have the science to support them, we won't make any medical claims.
Kambo contains a number of active compounds (which are all peptides):
Dermorphin — a potent mu-opioid receptor agonist.
Deltorphin — a very potent delta-opioid receptor agonist.
Phyllomedusin — a tachykinin that affects the salivary glands, tear ducts, intestines, and bowels; it contracts the smooth muscles and contributes to a violent purge.
Phyllokinin (and phyllomedusin) — potent blood vessel dilators that also increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.
Phyllocaerulein — which stimulates the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland, causes a fall in blood pressure, causes tachycardia, and has a potent action on the gastrointestinal smooth muscle, and stimulates gastric, biliary and pancreatic secretions.
Sauvagine — which stimulates the adrenal cortex, causes a long-lasting fall in blood pressure and causes intense tachycardia.
Adenoregulin — acts on the adenosine receptors.
Dermaseptin — a potent antimicrobial for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and antiviral for herpes simplex virus.
Scientific research has identified the peptides dermorphin and deltorphin in kambo as potent opioid peptides. Opioids are painkillers and opioid peptides bind to receptors on human cells which trigger a pain masking response. Dermorphin is amazingly 30-40 times stronger than morphine.
Safety of kambo
Kambo has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. Some people consumed kambo more than 100 times during their lifetime in the Amazon rainforest. It can cause problems when used by people who don't know how to use it outside of tribal setting.
Screening before is a must to minimize the risk.
I inform all patients about Borhav Syndrome, which is characterized by the spontaneous rupture of the esophagus due to a sudden increase in intraesophageal pressure. Again, this is very rare. Read more here.​
I love seeing the changes that Kambo brings in people. It’s a powerful tool that can help many,
but Kambo isn’t for everyone. If you have any of the conditions below you unfortunately don’t qualify for a Kambo treatment:
Current blood clots.
Heart bypass surgery.
Enlarged heart.
Implanted cardioverter defibrillators.
Pericardial effusion.
Congestive heart disease.
Excess fluid in the heart sack.
Heart valve replacement.
Organ transplant.
Taking Diuretics.
Taking medicine for blood clots.
Serious mental health problem (excluding PTSD, depression and anxiety)
Bipolar disorder.
Within a month of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Taking. immunosuppressants for an organ transplant
Addison’s disease.
Recovering from a major surgical procedure.
Although not contraindicated the following can delay when you can have Kambo.
A person that is water fasting for more than 12 hours before the treatment.
Liver and parasite cleanse please wait 5 days after you stop the treatment.
A person received an enema within 3 days prior.
A person has consumed DMT (Bufo) in the past month.
A person has consumed other strong plant medicine (eg. San Pedro, Ayahauaca, Mushrooms) within 24 hours of wanting to receive Kambo.
Some prescription drugs (I will check this with you before treatment)
A person has not reached their 18th birthday.
A person has reached their 65th birthday.
The person is being cajoled into doing Kambo by another person (including a family member)
The person lacks the mental capacity to decide to take Kambo.
The person is desperate for a solution to a life-threatening problem.
The person has consumed large amounts of water before arriving for Kambo.
A person has eaten within 8 hours of receiving Kambo.
The person has not consumed 1-1.5L of water immediately before receiving Kambo.
*** Please conduct further study or get in touch with me as this is not an entire list.
If none of the above describe you and you would like to schedule a Kambo session click the button below to complete a new client questionnaire.
POWER of kambo
Do you believe that emotional toxins or negative energies are preventing you from living the life you want?
You may experience physical and emotional distress as a result of these negative energies, which can sabotage your desire for a peaceful and balanced life.
They can even prevent you from achieving your goals and dreams, reducing your courage and preventing you from leading the life you want.
According to the tribes, when nothing is going right in your life, it is the right moment to take Kambo.
With a kambo cleanse, you can let go of what is holding you back, reignite your courage, pursue your dreams, reclaim your true self, and embrace joy.
Do you feel overworked and stressed out about your life?
Kambo has the ability to balance all levels of your being and cleanse your mind and body.
It can systematically remove your personal distortions and impurities, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of both yourself and the world around you.
It enlightens your spirit as well as your mind and body.
It clears your mind, body, and spirit, bringing you back to your natural state of balance and happiness.
Always practice kambo with a skilled practitioner in a secure, encouraging environment. This will increase your chances of having the most positive experience possible.
Through tiny holes that are burned into the skin, the kambo is applied to a person's skin during a kambo ceremony, typically on their arm.
A kambo cleanse may have different effects on different people.It can make you happy or make you sweat, shake, cry, vomit, or get muscle cramps.The kambo process takes about twenty minutes and can be temporarily painful and make you feel sick. After a brief rest, you will feel relaxed, realize the transformative power of the kambo cleanse, and feel uplifted, purified, and happy. In fact, even those who experience the most negative side effects after the process they ask if they can do it again?
You may experience a significant reduction in negative energies, a reduction in pain, and a sense of joy and happiness following your cleanse. Many people say that they cannot pinpoint exactly what has changed, but they do feel a change. Kambo can be a powerful ally in removing mental, physical, or spiritual obstacles, no matter what they are. Creating balance and realignments.
The number of sessions you need is largely dependent on your health and goals in taking Kambo. Kambo is most effective when done in a series. For chronic health issues, doing several treatments in a short amount of time is ideal to detoxify the body of bacteria and inflammation. Some people like to do a 3 day in a row cleanse. For others with health challenges, it may be better to do 3 weeks in a row, to give them time to recover and properly detox. Some people find that once they’ve done a series doing Kambo once every 4-8 weeks is good maintenance for them. Some people do it once and never do it again. It really depends on the person.
I highly recommend attending at least three initial sessions if you want to succeed with Kambo. The first session is often an introduction to the frog. It's similar to soaking stained dishes before washing them. Before fully cleaning something, you sometimes need to soften some old, hard, crusty gunk. In the sessions following the first, people tend to get better at navigating the experience and surrendering to it, enhancing their progress and getting deeper and more effective results.
It’s absolutely okay to do Kambo once simply to try it, but I encourage those with that have a goal in mind, to commit to at least 3 sessions minimum.